Have you noticed that your bump looks more prominent than other expecting mothers? This might be a sign that you are carrying a twin pregnancy! This might be a rumor, however, so how exactly can you tell if you are carrying twins or not?
An ultrasound is the most accurate method to confirm multiple babies in early pregnancy. Nonetheless, you can also look out for symptoms and signs to give you a clue before the ultrasound.
Is being pregnant and thirsty early pregnancy twins sign?
Here is a list of indications and signs of twin pregnancy; by reading them you can assess whether you are carrying a twin pregnancy or not.
First of all, let us explore how twin pregnancies happen.
Some of the factors that can enhance the probabilities of a twin pregnancy are the following:
- Fertility treatments: In assisted reproductive techniques, for example, GIFT, IVF, and ZIFT, many embryos are transported inside the uterus, a process that can lead to twins.
- When a woman exceeds 30 years of age, her body begins to produce elevated levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which can often direct the ovaries to release more than one egg. This enhances the chances of twin pregnancy.
- It is also related to your size. If your height is above average, with a BMI of 30 or higher, the probability of conceiving twins rises.
- If you have had a previous pregnancy with twins, then the odds of conceiving with twins again are higher.
The above list is not exhaustive. Even if you do not fit any of the above-listed categories, you could still possibly conceive twins. Thus, how can you tell if you are pregnant with twins or not?
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Increased hCG levels in blood or urine
You can’t definitively determine you are pregnant with twins from a urine pregnancy test. However, you might have a much earlier positive pregnancy test if you are having twins. If you used a standard pregnancy test (not the sensitive range) and obtained an instant positive (particularly a much darker definite marker) a few days before your menstrual cycle is due, there is possibly an enhanced probability that you are carrying twins.
However, keep in mind, urine pregnancy tests performed at home are not trustworthy when you want to predict the quantity of hCG; they only check whether or not the smallest amount of hCG is present. On the other hand, chances are that a dark test or early positive result is merely because you only drank a small amount of water before you took the test.
Quicker weight gain
According to the American Pregnancy Association, women pregnant with twins will gain more weight more rapidly, about four-six pounds through the first trimester, more than double that of a single pregnancy.
Morning sickness and intense nausea
Most pregnant women suffer some kind of morning sickness through their pregnancies. This is due to elevated hCG levels. An extreme type of morning sickness is known as hyperemesis gravid arum. This happens when vomiting and nausea are more severe. According to Dr. Christine Greves, a gynecologist at Winnie Palmer Hospital, this illness is more predominant when pregnant with twins.
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An earlier sense of fetal movement
A pregnant mother carrying twins can feel more accurate fetal movements earlier compared to a single pregnancy. According to What to Expect, a mother pregnant with twins can notice precise kicks, elbow jabs, or punches during the second trimester. A single pregnancy typically feels these in the beginning of the third trimester. A mother pregnant with twins may have fetal activity in various parts of her belly at a single time.
You are always hungry
Growing a baby is a tough job, and that’s particularly true with twins. You’re not just eating for two but for three. Moreover, your body will tell you clearly and loudly once it wants more food. Many mothers commonly don’t realize that they’re carrying twins until well into the first trimester. As a result, they aren’t eating sufficient food for their body to perform the work essential in growing more than one baby. This results in continuous hunger.
Your hormones are out of control
Multiple pregnancies frequently face a “multiplying aspect” over single pregnancy symptoms. For most mothers pregnant with twins, this is tied to elevated pregnancy hormones. Because the body of a pregnant mother generates more hormones in elevated amounts to meet the burdens of growing multiple babies, mother’s mood swings may be more apparent. Warning to those who play, work, and live with women carrying twins: Going from happy, to tears, to hyper-speed, to irrational, and back in five minutes is not rare!
Feeling fatigued and tiresome is a common early pregnancy symptom. In the very first week after, and occasionally even before, your missed menstrual cycle, you might start to feel tired. Increased hormone quantities, along with problems like sleep disruptions and more frequent urination, might prevent you from getting your regular amount of rest.
However, there’s no precise way to tell if your level of exhaustion is due to one baby or multiples. If you’re feeling exhausted, try to get maximum rest, go to bed earlier, take frequent naps when possible, and make your sleeping situation a soothing one.
Second heartbeat
The heartbeat of your baby can be perceived at about 8 to 10 weeks utilizing a fetal Doppler. If your doctor thinks they hear one or more heartbeats, they’ll probably propose an ultrasound to get the right image of what’s occurring.
Abnormal AFP test results
Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) test (also known as “triple marker screen” or “maternal serum screening”) is a blood test carried out on pregnant women during the second trimester to detect elevated threats of many birth defects. Most mothers discover that they are pregnant with multiples by the time this test is done. Though, a pregnancy with multiples can frequently give a positive — or “high” — outcome.
Gut feelings and hunches
Though other things in this article mention some type of visible indication—inflated symptoms, enhanced morning sickness, abnormal test results, and many more—we can’t forget the influence of a mother’s perception. From dreams to unexplained gut feelings, some of the most significant “clues” indicating multiple pregnancies aren’t explained in medical textbooks.
Though these are all reliable signs of carrying twins, they are not guarantees. In the end, the only correct method to know if you are carrying multiples is with an ultrasound.
While the factors above might be indicators of pregnancy with twins, the only definitive way to determine you’re carrying more than one baby is by ultrasound.
Some physicians plan an early ultrasound, at about 6 to 10 weeks, to confirm and check the pregnancy or to look for any issues. If you didn’t schedule an early ultrasound, remember that you’ll be scheduled for a detailed anatomy scan at about 18 to 22 weeks.
Once your physician is able to read the sonogram pictures, you’ll know precisely the number of babies you’re carrying.
Although a pregnancy with multiples is exciting, it can also be scary or overwhelming. Concentrating on your health and seeking prenatal care is particularly important for a twin or multiple pregnancy.
Early pregnancy signs can’t tell you for sure if you’re pregnant with twins or multiple babies. Nonetheless, regular prenatal schedules and screenings can. Always discuss your worries with your doctor, and take care of yourself — regardless of the number of babies you’re carrying.